Please wait while mSign gets ready...
Loading Assets

No Internet Connection

You are not connected to the Internet. Please reconnect.


Server Unavailable

The app can not reach the server...

Check your Internet connection or try again later.

Try a different server
Pair With Desktop

Right click on the mSign Desktop tray icon and click "Pair with Mobile." Scan the QR code or enter the pairing code:

Scriptel mSign
Are you sure?

If you log out of this device you will lose any existing paired devices and the UUID of this device will change.

If you've licensed any features based on this UUID you'll need to contact Scriptel Support ( to get your license re-issued.


No Pairing Connection

You are not currently paired with an mSign Desktop instance...

Pair with a new computer

No Pairing Available

None of your paired computers appear to be online. To remedy this, either...

Start mSign Desktop on one of your paired computers, and then restart the mSign app, or…

Pair with a new computer

Successful Pairing

You have paired successfully with mSign Desktop and may begin signing.

(This is indicated by a green dot in the upper right of the screen.)

Report Submitted

Thank you! You have submitted a problem report to our support services.

If requested, someone will contact you shortly.


We have online help for mSign available on our wiki.

You can also report a problem and someone from Scriptel will be in contact with you.

About Scriptel mSign
Version Information
Build Date
Online Info Scriptel mSign (Wiki)
Open Source
Scriptel mSign gratefully uses the following open source libraries.
Report Problem
Contact Information
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Description of Problem
Desktop Peer List
Desktop Information
Choose Mode
ProScript - Compatible
ProScript - Enhanced
EasyScript - Streaming
EasyScript - Legacy